Tag: godot

  • Dev log 2.8  Line art style

    Dev log 2.8 Line art style

    From lines to polygons, and back to lines. This game’s art style is heavily inspired both by lowpoly games, and by BD/manga style, with watercolor textures and black linework to add details. Since our last dev-log, Khaleer advanced on the modeling of the building, (based on concept art by Amir ). The first step is…

  • Dev Log 2.3 Choosing art tools

    Dev Log 2.3 Choosing art tools

    Why do some of our artists sculpt on a 5 watts ipad or android tablet, instead of a 100 watt desktop with a neat GPU in Zbrush? It’s like asking “why do we swim?”. It’s joyful, to be lightweight, to exercice, to prove what is possible. The app we use for sculpting is called NomadSculpt.…