Tag: game development

  • Dev Log 3.0  Loading Screen

    Dev Log 3.0 Loading Screen

    The loading screen. Bringing everyone’s work together as I get started on the loading screen. We are thinking of having the loading screen take different weathers, so I tried adding volumetric fog, and was pleased with the look of the screen space Z/normal buffer line art effect highlighting the silhouette of distant objects for us.…

  • Dev Log 2.4 Separation of programming and art

    Dev Log 2.4 Separation of programming and art

    Early pre-production sketches by Eno, (2019). Generally it’s considered best practice during prototyping for the art to be done in a separate pipeline, to work on top of “cubes that play well”. Meanwhile, the art iterations are about exploring the total possibility space of what this game could be, what it could look like. Godot…

  • Dev Log 2.3 Choosing art tools

    Dev Log 2.3 Choosing art tools

    Why do some of our artists sculpt on a 5 watts ipad or android tablet, instead of a 100 watt desktop with a neat GPU in Zbrush? It’s like asking “why do we swim?”. It’s joyful, to be lightweight, to exercice, to prove what is possible. The app we use for sculpting is called NomadSculpt.…