Tag: art

  • Dev-log 4.4 – Art Updates

    Dev-log 4.4 – Art Updates

    Hello and welcome to another art update. This week we are starting with updates on characters from the artist majikarpette .in this sprite you can see the shipyard’s cook, Maelle. In most gamedev studios, the role of concept artist, character designer, and writer are separated. But For us, it makes perfect sense to let the artist…

  • Dev-log 4.1 2D characters

    Dev-log 4.1 2D characters

    Advisors character art update In The Shipyard, the advisors are a group of 8 yardies who are your friends and fellow shipwrights, sometimes they give you advice. They will be displayed as lowpoly 3D models, but also as 2D pngs for dialogue and be present in illustrations for events.  All of the art above by majikarpette  And…

  • Dev-log 4.0 Buildings concept art

    Dev-log 4.0 Buildings concept art

    Buildings art progress. These past week we’ve got some steady progress from the art team on buildings. Each building has three levels. here you can see the level 1 option we ended up with. Design by EliSa (you can find more of her work at https://elisacherdot.ultra-book.com/ ) As you can see we chose option 3 on this…

  • Dev-log 3.9  AO baking

    Dev-log 3.9 AO baking

    The Baking show In Game graphics, everything that can be baked, should be baked. Captain Honora Have you first heard of raytracing 5 years ago, or 20 years ago? That would dictate your view of the technology, and what you imagine the point of it is. When I first heard of raytracing, it was around…

  • Dev-log 3.8  Lowpoly

    Dev-log 3.8 Lowpoly

    🎵It’s too late, topologize.🎶 Before any rigging can take place (or UV mapping for that matter), the high poly sculpt from Sam Proctor needs to be optimized. I like to think of the lowpoly as a 3D papercraft version of the model, which in flattened view will act as the paper canvas on which we…

  • Dev Log 3.1  Character portraits

    Dev Log 3.1 Character portraits

    while building ships, you will make mistakes and receive advice. Not all the advice is worth listening though, and it’s up to you to learn about each character’s motivation to know what topic each of the yardies is an expert in.

  • Dev Log 3.0  Loading Screen

    Dev Log 3.0 Loading Screen

    The loading screen. Bringing everyone’s work together as I get started on the loading screen. We are thinking of having the loading screen take different weathers, so I tried adding volumetric fog, and was pleased with the look of the screen space Z/normal buffer line art effect highlighting the silhouette of distant objects for us.…

  • Dev Log 2.9  Visual Target

    Dev Log 2.9 Visual Target

    Usually we work on something called a Beautiful corner. You can easily get stuck at this stage. This is costly. Life is too short to wait before making a decision.  Here: we are leaning heavily on fog cards, screen-space reflections , and grease pencil 3d vector strokes. However we end up rendering and optimizing it…

  • Dev log 2.8  Line art style

    Dev log 2.8 Line art style

    From lines to polygons, and back to lines. This game’s art style is heavily inspired both by lowpoly games, and by BD/manga style, with watercolor textures and black linework to add details. Since our last dev-log, Khaleer advanced on the modeling of the building, (based on concept art by Amir ). The first step is…

  • Dev Log 2.7  Art updates

    Dev Log 2.7 Art updates

    More art updates! Sam Proctor delivered another sculpt, this time for the cooperative’s CEO Deborah. Process: Meanwhile, @khaleer_art has been starting the work on modeling the kitchen building. In the next couple weeks, Eno is hoping to start getting some of these assets in-game.

  • Dev Log 2.6  Art Updates

    Dev Log 2.6 Art Updates

    Art updates We’ve been busy on the art side of things too. @khaleer_art joined us to help with modelling and texturing. We’ve got a first mock-up image showing what the ship could look like in-game. Meanwhile, @majikarpette proposed a tweak to the color lineup, and also finished a BW concept art of the traveling shopkeeper.…

  • Dev Log 2.3 Choosing art tools

    Dev Log 2.3 Choosing art tools

    Why do some of our artists sculpt on a 5 watts ipad or android tablet, instead of a 100 watt desktop with a neat GPU in Zbrush? It’s like asking “why do we swim?”. It’s joyful, to be lightweight, to exercice, to prove what is possible. The app we use for sculpting is called NomadSculpt.…