Visual Novel Dialogue system part 1
Now let’s switch things up a bit and talk about the advisors: while building ships, you will make mistakes and receive advice. Not all the advice is worth listening though, and it’s up to you to learn about each character’s motivation to know what topic each of the yardies is an expert in.

Deborah, the cooperative’s CEO will be one of the 8 advisors you can talk to in the game. By “talking” I mean that the player’s brain will produce the fantasy of talking by looking at text, as is the case in games like Disco Elysium, or the visual-novel-style dialogue in Hades. To add emotions so it’s not just a simple PNG, we add 3 variants: Happy, Embarrassed, Thinking.
In godot, we will animate the PNGs with shake and bounce and color masks.
Art by @majikarpette