From the archives; an early prototype of the game took place in South America and was inspired by Buen Vivir, cinco saberes, sailcargo movement, degrowth, etc. Each scenario has unique buildings and resources, and the “Costa Buen vivir” (temp name) scenario is all about wood and nature and smaller scale de-pollution work.

The scenario we are working on first for the alpha and beta demos will be “sea of Hirwazh” and take place in the Breton coast of Finistère (“the end of the land”).
I want to thank the Yardies (Patreon supporters) for your support so far. <3
This helps pay for rent, electricity to make games, and food for Amir’s cat. 🐈
See you in the next Dev-Log, hopefully with more updates from the art department 🎨⛵️