I wanted to share some first glimpses on the environment art front. We are planning Dev log #2 to be focused on solely on the art, but I just couldn’t resist.

Image of the Loft interior:
This is a concept art by the amazing AmirDraws to visualize the Loft.
Characters hang out there, you can talk to people, hear the radio, and see the week’s weather forecast on the screens above. Talking to the advisors initiates quests such as expeditions, contracts, rescue missions. Completing all the quest of an advisor gives you a unique item.
You can also hear the radio, and see the week’s weather forecast on the screens above. Talking to the advisors initiates quests such as expeditions, contracts, rescue missions. Completing all the quest of an advisor gives you a unique item.

Image of the hangar exterior: Here is the result of two days of modeling after Amir’s hangar concept art. Quite happy with it, and it’s rather low-poly for now. The game’s art style now feels 80% defined. The art style is defined by our shoestring budget. Top-down concept art, then using this as projection textures and flattening it into trim sheets. Can’t afford to waste any work.
Cued (Roberto Cuevas) will run mini “interviews” with the team so you get to meet the different disciplines and what we are thinking of at the moment.
This game will contain dozens of buildings and upgrade paths. It’s a mountain of work ahead of us. Thank you for your support <3
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